AP Exams

AP Exams at Madison and What You Need to Know


Contact: Mallory Bacalis, AP Coordinator and School Counselor | @email | 703-319-2349


FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

When do AP exams take place?

AP exams occur in May 2025 (May 5 – 16).  A complete AP exam schedule can be found at AP Exam Dates 2025.

Students' exam dates can also be found in their MyAP account.

How do I apply for College Board accommodations?

Unfortunately, students who have an IEP or 504 plan do not automatically have College Board accommodations.  Please email Mr. Joseph Bartram at [email protected] to find out more about the application process. The deadline to apply for accommodations for AP tests given in May 2025 was January 24, 2025. 

Processing for accommodations can take up to 7-12 weeks, so we must have paperwork in by January 24, 2025 to process before AP testing in May.

Please note that if you are scheduled to take two AP exams on the same day, but not the same time, both exams must be taken on that day.  The College Board will not approve any waivers for these circumstances.  There will be a minimum of 15 minutes provided for students to eat lunch in between the AP exams.  Please remember that students may use the restroom and/or get a drink of water at any time during an AP exam, provided that they ask permission to do so and are escorted out of the room.

What should I bring on exam day?

At the very minimum, students should bring at least two No. 2 pencils (please avoid mechanical pencils) and a black ink pen on exam day. Students may want to dress in layers as the temperature has been known to vary throughout the building and during the month of May. We want students to feel comfortable during the exam time and this helps!  Additionally, if the AP exam permits a calculator, this should be communicated by your AP teacher. Students taking a digital or hybrid exam must use their FCPS device. Personal devices are not permitted. If a student does not have a FCPS device, loaners will be available the day of the exam. 

Students also will need their College Board account login information in order to access the test through Bluebook. 

What time do AP exams start?

Morning AP exams begin at 8:00 am and most end between 12/1 p.m. We encourage students to arrive at least 20 minutes early to their exam location.

If the AP exam has already started, students will not be admitted into the exam site and will not be permitted to take the exam later.  The College Board will not approve such circumstances as a reason for late testing. Please plan ahead.

Afternoon AP exams begin between 12-1 p.m.  However, students are expected to report no later than 11:45 am to their exam location. Afternoon exams can run as late as 4 pm, so it is imperative that students have transportation home as FCPS only provides late buses on Wednesdays.  Students taking an afternoon exam will not be able to leave an exam early to catch the bus home. 

A reminder that if a student has both a morning and afternoon exam, there will be a minimum of 15 minutes provided for lunch in-between the AP exams. Please remember that students may use the restroom and/or get a drink of water at any time during an AP exam – provided that they ask permission to do so and are escorted out of the room.

Where do I report on exam day?

AP teachers will be notified in advance of the exam sites and share this information with their students. However, sometimes changes must be made. Signs will be posted on the doors and throughout the school building with this information on each exam day. It is important to read the signs and arrive early on exam day.

Students testing with accommodations will be emailed directly their exam location and should regularly check their email.

How long is my AP exam?  How do I prepare for it and what should I expect?

AP teachers are the best resource for these questions. Most exams are 3 to 4 hours, not including breaks.

What lunch will I eat?

Students taking an afternoon (PM) exam should eat “A” lunch that day. 

Students taking a morning exam will attend their normally scheduled class lunch period unless it has been missed due to the AP exam. If that happens, students will go to lunch first, then class unless excused for the remainder of the day.

What do I do if I’m sick on the exam day?

Students should make every effort to take the AP exam at its regularly scheduled time. If students are extremely ill, have a serious injury, or a family tragedy and are unable to make it to school, a parent/guardian must contact Ms. Mallory Bacalis at @email or 703-319-2349 as soon as possible, but within 24 hours of the exam start time.  

What if I am late to my AP exam?

If the AP exam has already started, students will not be admitted into the exam site and will not be permitted to take the exam at a later time. The College Board will not approve such circumstances as a reason for late testing. Please plan ahead.

Can I bring my cell phone with me to my AP exam?

No. The College Board does not permit electronic devices to be brought into the exam location. Please secure any cell phones in a safe location on exam day. Cell phone use may result in an exam irregularity and therefore could cause a student’s AP score to be invalidated.

Is there anything else that I should leave at home, in my locker, or in my car on exam day?

Students should not have any of the following items with them on test day:

  • Electronic devices, including cell phones, Apple watches, iPods, MP3 players, digital cameras, laptops, and tablets.
  • Watches that beep or have an alarm
  • Portable listening or recording devices – even if you finish early and use earbuds
  • Books, compasses, mechanical pencils (the College Board does not guarantee that responses marked using a mechanical pencil will be scored properly by its machines), correction fluid, highlighters, colored pencils/pens, and pencil cases.
  • Tissue boxes
  • Rulers and straightedges (these will be supplied for the Physics exams)
  • Scratch paper
  • Review guides and/or notes
  • Calculators (except for parts of the AP Calculus AB, Calculus BC, Chemistry, Physics 1, Physics 2, Physics C Mechanics, Physics C Electricity and Magnetism, and Statistics exams) *Additionally, the AP Biology exam will permit students to use a simple 4-function (with square root) calculator only.
  • Clothing with subject-related information

When and how do I find out my AP exam scores?

Students must have an account to access their scores.

The score release schedule will be available on apscore.org in May, and students will receive an email in early July reminding them when they can access their scores.

Who do I contact if I still have questions?

Mallory Bacalis, AP Coordinator and School Counselor | @email | 703-319-2349