Student Services Staff

Timothy Buckley
Director, Student Services, HS
- Supervisor of the Student Services Department
- Supervisor of the College and Career Center
- Supervisor of the Clinic and Cafeteria
School Counselors

Student Services Support and Other Staff
School Registrar: Vianmarie Milan | 703-319-2322
Student Information Assistant (SIA): Ashley Mendez | 703-319-2335
Transcript Assistant: Linda Geary | 703-319-2324
College and Career Specialist: Lynn Otto | 703-319-2527
Assessment Coach: Jennifer Frate | 703-319-2328
School Psychologists: Dane Charneco | 703-319-2465 | @email and Evan Brooks | 703-319-2427
School Social Workers: Amy Caccamo | 703-319-2333 and Erica Bettwy | 703-319-2466
Substance Abuse Prevention Specialist: Michael McNulty | 703-319-2472 | Parent Resources