Class of 2025

Winter Senior Class Updates: Class of 2025

It's hard to believe we are already halfway to graduation for the class of 2025!

Graduation will be held on Tuesday, June 3 at 10:00 a.m. at DAR Constitution Hall.  More specific details on end-of-year senior events and graduation will come out in the early spring.

Graduation Tickets and Additional Ticket Requests

Each senior will receive five tickets for graduation.  Families may complete this form to enter a randomized lottery for ONE additional ticket for graduation.  We have a limited number of extra tickets and anticipate that we will have more requests than extra tickets.  Families should complete the form by Friday, March 7, 2025 to request an additional ticket.  Families will receive an email early the next week, letting them know if they will get an extra ticket.

Senior Dues

Senior dues for the Class of 2025 are $100 and searchable and payable through the MySchoolBucks (MSB) school store.  Select “School Store” and then “Browse all items”.  Senior Dues should be the first item. You can also search “Senior Dues”.   Senior dues provide for graduation expenses, programs for graduation, cap and gown, diploma, diploma cover, senior picnic, senior breakfasts, a senior class t-shirt, and additional expenses associated with the senior year.  If you are unsure if you paid senior dues, contact Linda Szabo at @emailIf you have any other questions about senior dues, please contact your school counselor. 

Student Speaker at Graduation

If your senior is interested in being considered for the student speaker at graduation, please complete this form by April 25, 2025.  As part of the submission, the senior will need to upload a copy of their speech and a video of them giving the speech. 

WINGS Program

The MAD WINGS Senior Experience supports development through the application of learning in community and business organizations.  

Currently, seniors are applying for and securing their May experience! Students can career shadow, complete community service, volunteer at a Madison Pyramid School or complete an Independent Study.  Seniors are reviewing their applications with their Advisory teachers for approval.  (If seniors do not have an Advisory teacher, they are collaborating with Ms. Whitener and Mr. Rauenzahn on their applications.) Seniors who participate in the MAD WINGS experience will receive a graduation cord.

Senior WINGS Timeline:

  • Friday, February 14:  Final applications are due to Advisory Teachers for approval.
  • Senior WINGS Student/Parent Contracts: Distributed through advisory upon application approval
  • March 25:  Student/Parent Senior WINGS Contract is due to the Advisory Teacher.  
  • Monday, May 12 - Friday, May 28:  Senior WINGS Experience for those who have submitted completed and signed contracts
  • Wednesday, May 29: Senior WINGS Presentation of Learning. Parents and Community members are invited!

More information about MAD WINGS can be found on the Madison website and in the Senior WINGS Handbook (students access through their FCPS Schools Google account).

Cap and Gown Measurements and Graduation Announcements

Seniors completed a survey in their 4th-period advisory earlier this year where their graduation gown measurements were collected. Any senior who did not complete the survey should contact Erin Kennedy at @email to provide their measurements. Jostens is our vendor for graduation announcements and other senior items; you can order announcements and other products through their website.


This year, military-connected seniors and families will be recognized as part of the graduation ceremony. In accordance with the Code of Virginia (22.1-287.04), local school divisions are required to identify students who have a parent in the United States uniformed services. Please use this form to update your family’s status at Madison.  Return the completed forms to the Counseling Office.

Purchase a Yearbook

If you have not already purchased a yearbook and would like one for your senior, please do so at and enter code 5307.  The price is $75.  We will not have extra yearbooks to sell at the end of the year; please consider purchasing now.

Service Learning Hours

Seniors who have completed 40 hours of service learning throughout high school must have their hours logged in x2Vol (Naviance > Careers > x2Vol) no later than April 25, 2025 to receive credit and get the black service learning cord to wear at graduation. Additional information about service learning is available on pages 17-19 in the JMHS College Quick Guide.

College Decision Updates

As you receive college admission decisions, please see Mrs. Geary in the Student Services Office or send her an email (@email). She will update this information in Naviance. Mrs. Geary and counselors will work with seniors on the FCPS required Senior Survey later this school year which requires seniors to report their college admission decisions and request their final high school transcript to be sent to a college/post-high school program of their choice.