Honor Code

The code, the pledge, consequences of violations

JMHS Honor Statement

Learning is about the process, not necessarily the outcome. I made my best individual effort, and I have not given or received any unauthorized assistance on this assignment. All of the work presented is my own.

Unauthorized assistance on any school work, which FCPS defines as scholastic dishonesty or academic dishonesty, includes, but is not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, collusion (including providing unauthorized assistance to another student), falsifying academic records, and any act designed to give unfair advantage to the student through any means including the use of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI). By submitting work for evaluation or feedback, you represent it as your own intellectual product. You may not submit for evaluation any content (e.g., ideas, text, code, images) that was generated, in whole or in part, by GenAI tools unless the teacher has explicitly granted permission to do so. Your teacher will explain to you the uses of GenAI tools that are permitted or prohibited in this course, including on what specific assignments the use of GenAI tools are permitted. Submitting content for evaluation that was produced in whole or in part by GenAI tools, except for the specific purpose(s) and assignment(s) discussed and authorized by the teacher, constitutes an Honor Code infraction. To ensure that an assignment is a student’s own intellectual product, teachers may require specific processes on how to complete assessments, such as having students complete an assignment exclusively in a Google Document or Slide so that they may review the entire draft history for evidence of composition and editing.  Not following a teacher’s specified process may be considered an Honor Code infraction.

Honor Code Infraction Process

  1. Teacher submits an honor code referral that a student may have violated the honor code.
  2. An assistant principal investigates the infraction.  If the infraction violates the honor code, the assistant principal will determine if the infraction constitutes an honor code warning or violation.
  3. Consequences are assigned based on whether the infraction is a warning or a violation.


  • Definition: A first honor code infraction, unless because of the seriousness of the infraction it is deemed by administration to reach the level of a violation, will serve as a warning.
  • Examples of first infraction warnings include but are not limited to:
    • Student shared a Google doc with another student who then copied the assignment and turned it in as their own.
    • Student worked with another student on an assignment that should have been an individual effort.
    • Student copied a portion of text from an internet source without attribution and used it as their words in an essay.
  • Consequences:
    • The teacher will speak to the student and contact his parents.
    • The student will meet with an Assistant Principal about the infraction.
    • The student must redo, reassess or complete a teacher directed alternative assignment with no penalty.

Honor code warnings will be stored in a database by the administration. The warning will stay in the database throughout a student's high school career but is not entered into SIS. 


  • Definition: Any second, or greater, honor code infraction is automatically a violation, as well as potentially a very serious first infraction.
  • Consequences
    • The administrator will meet with the student and teacher individually to discuss the violation.  
    • Once a violation is confirmed, an assistant principal will assign consequences based on the range of consequences below:

Minimum consequences for a violation will include:

  • The student will receive an F on the assignment with no opportunity for reassessment.
  • The violation will be entered in the honor code database and the student's discipline record in SIS.
  • The administrator will meet with the student and contact their parents.

Additional consequences for a violation could include:

  • Completion of a specified number of hours of administrative detention.
  • Participation in a restorative justice process.
  • The student may be required to complete an alternative assignment.
  • The student may complete an assigned number of community service hours.

Maximum consequence for a violation may culminate in:

  • Removal from honor societies and/or SGA. This includes the possibility of banning from future enrollment as well.
  • Restrictions from participating in extracurricular activities.
  • Completion of a specified number of days of In-School Suspension.