Learning today for success in tomorrow’s unknown
MAD WINGS supports students’ growth and development within the framework of FCPS Portrait of a Graduate (POG), with a focus on a specific POG skill for each grade. The MAD WINGS Experience supports student learning and development through experiences beyond an academic setting. All students participate in an end-of-year Presentation of Learning to honor self-reflection and celebrate a student’s strengths and growth over the year(s). Through Advisory and content courses, teachers check-in with students about their growth throughout the school year.
What is MAD WINGS?
Throughout the MAD WINGS experience, all Madison students will:
- Take ownership of their learning and recognize the connection between current opportunities and how choices they make can shape their future
- Understand the connection between FCPS Portrait of a Graduate skills and their own experiences in and outside the classroom
- Reflect on their personal growth to celebrate strengths
- Create and curate a WINGS Portfolio that contains artifacts of their learning and growth
- Participate in a Presentation of Learning at the end of each academic year
Senior Wings Experience
Students have an option to explore career and personal interests through a 30-hour shadowing experience from one of the following: Career Shadow and Community Service, Independent Study, Madison Improvement Project, or Volunteer at a Madison Pyramid School. To be eligible for the program, seniors must apply and collaborate with their Advisory teacher to earn approval. Students will receive support and resources throughout the application process. Applications begin in November and are finalized in March. Upon approval, students will complete a Wings Contract that requires a parent signature. Students will document their experience and commit to sharing a reflection in a Presentation of Learning on May 29, 2024 prior to graduation. Students who complete their WINGS presentation of learning each year and complete the Senior Experience will earn a MAD WINGS Achievement Cord for graduation.
What could a Senior WINGS Experience look like?
- Career Shadow
- Community Service
- Independent Study
- School-Based Improvement Project
How can you support our students?
We are seeking additional organizations to sponsor one or more seniors for their WINGS Experience. As members of our community, we know you have many local contacts with businesses and organizations. We are asking you to:
- Consider giving students an opportunity to career shadow at your business, or a community service organization in which you are engaged. Sign up by completing this form by Wednesday, October 24th.
- Consider forwarding this information to a business or organization that might provide this opportunity to seniors.
Junior Wings Experience
Starting in 2024, Juniors will have the opportunity to create a Mastery Transcript Learner Record. Mastery Transcript Consortium® (MTC), an ETS company, is a national and global nonprofit membership organization that helps make mastery learning—or competency-based education—available to all learners. Students create a Learner Record with evidence of competency in core content and life skills that is shared with colleges and employers.
Students will be supported throughout the year as they make goals for earning Madison competencies, and identifying evidence of their growth. Students will reflect on how the evidence reflects mastery and, at the end of the year, students will present their learner record to Madison staff, students, and parents in a Defense of Learning.
Click on the Links to learn more information about Mastery Transcript Learner Record, the Madison Competencies and Mastery Learning.
Driving and Reflection Questions by Grade Level
WINGS Presentation of Learning Reflection Questions
Throughout the year, advisory and content teachers check-in with students, asking them to share their portfolio and reflect on:
Driving Questions:
- How can I, as a student, positively contribute to my school?
- How can I, as a freshman, demonstrate growth over the year?
Reflection Question:
- What artifacts from my classes and activities show growth?
Driving Questions:
- How can I positively contribute to my school, my community, and my world?
- How can I continue demonstrate growth?
Reflection Question:
- What artifacts from my classes and activities show my growth over the past two years?
Driving Questions:
- How can I positively contribute to my school, my community, and my world?
- How can I continue to demonstrate growth?
Reflection Questions:
- After reviewing my portfolio artifacts from my time at JMHS, what is meaningful to me?
- What might I want to do for my Senior Wings Experience?
Driving Question:
- How will I, as a citizen, positively contribute to my community and my world this year and beyond?
Reflection Questions:
- How did I grow in my Senior WINGS Experience? What would I like to share with others about the MAD WINGS experience?
- How have I grown as a learner / person during the MAD WINGS Experience?
- How will I, as a citizen, positively contribute to my community and my world after graduating from Madison High School?
What could a Presentation of Learning look like?
- Student-Led Conference
- Collaborative Gallery Walk
- Formal Presentation to Audience of Peers, Staff and Parents
- Senior Exhibition of Learning